With my Friends at the old country church

I was at Oakbluff colony the past weekend, visiting my aunt for the first time since she married last summer. I had the greatest of times. Ok I admit that I'm a geek and fit in real well. I also got to exercise my photographic tendencies. My friends took me to a Catholic church a short distance from the colony and we had a little photowalk. It wasn't one of those large, overly ornate churches by the catholic standards, but more of a subdued Prarie church. They showed me all of the nooks and crannies in it while a friend and I were shooting photos. IMG_8389.jpg IMG_8399.jpg IMG_8413.jpg IMG_8432.jpg IMG_8488.jpg IMG_8521.jpg IMG_8563.jpg IMG_8593.jpg IMG_8624.jpg IMG_8642.jpg IMG_8655.jpg IMG_8647.jpg After we had seen all there was to see at this church we took off back to the colony where we circled their large underwater gravel pit. It was late so the sun was casting beautiful reflections on the lake. I enjoyed having a really wide angle lens, a sigma 12-24mm that I had borrowed for the day. It gave the landscape a whole new look in the photos. That dramatic look. IMG_8738.jpg IMG_8746.jpg IMG_8762.jpg IMG_8781.jpg We were having a rather tender piece of meat when we were asked if we wanted a plane ride. Having never had one before, there was nothing that would make me say no to that offer. So I accepted and shortly thereafter I was sky high. Shooting photos out the window while being administered heart stopping zero gravity drops by the Pilot. I quite liked them especially after I realized that I didn't need to be afraid. I want more! These are some of the photos I shot during the ride. IMG_9026.jpg IMG_8815.jpg IMG_8847.jpg IMG_8834.jpg IMG_8840.jpg IMG_8864.jpg IMG_8901.jpg IMG_8867.jpg IMG_8917.jpg IMG_9037.jpgIMG_9007.jpg IMG_9066.jpg




Small people

At dinner, Jerry kept reminding me that I should go check out Fisher's Pasture. How the water had carved the river and diposited large trees, massive sand dunes, and other junk. I went past the hockey rink on my way to the valley, thereby passing these two jumping off a sandpile...for all the fun that is. They, half freezing decided it was a clever idea to follow me. But came only a quarter mile, when the cold set in and they turned back. Photos of Fallen trees to come later...

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