Around the Table.
Canada Day In Calgary
I really loved seeing so many people just lazing around. With no schedule, just being out there to celebrate Canada day and see fireworks at the end of the day. The small carts serving the best, juiciest, fattiest food available. The street artists. All the camera toting people. And the good weather. Just love it. Here's what I saw.
Hutterite Wedding on Sunday
May 13.
Hutterite weddings vary from traditional non-hutterite weddings. With the help of another blogger we wrote a description of one from a few years ago, you can see it here.
Early Sunday morning, at 7:30 everybody had to be at the bus or vehicles that were going to the wedding in Fairholme Colony.
Joyce waiting for all our friends to arrive for the bus ride, the Sunday morning of the wedding.
The wedding train stopped just outside the grooms colony to decorate the vehicle for the ride in.
Arriving at her new colony. With family, friends and many people from the colony.
With horses leading the train, everybody wants to get a piece of the action. The're also reading the signs posted along the way with jokes about the new colony.
Four horses led us in, for the mile before the colony after which we were met by the below sight.
Possibly the oldest of traditions, the welcome wagon. With all the children. Color and happiness.
Most of the members of the grooms colony are there to greet the bride and groom plus family. A lot of hugging and happy feelings here.
Beneath the oaks in Fairholme Colony
The youth from our colony having just stepped off the bus.
Couple and family heading home just prior to the wedding.
Everybody is off to relax for about an hour before the wedding ceremony.
No photos of wedding ceremony itself, this is the reception in the school gym. Some of the people have arrived, and i've already been told to not take photos.
Waiting for the couple to arrive at the school.
Couple and family arriving, usually after most other people have been seated. Flower girls in front.
Most people have arrived, youth on one side, older people on opposite side [mostly off the photo]