Nuit Blanche

Cloud Engage a Friend

Sugar Dance

Horny Like bugs However you do it, consider the stars.


Light by Night

Pull to light

Consider the cloud


With Joe and Matrine.



The Crossing



Saving the bunny

Behind The Scenes. Produced By the artists from Nuit Blanche

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This video shows the early stages of production on the artworks featured at Nuit Blanche Calgary on September 15th, 2012. The work that is featured in order of appearance is:

Sophie Farewell - However You Do It... Consider the Stars Caitlind Brown - Cloud BGL - Carrousel Theo Sims - The Candahar

Music by: "beep Shot and edited by: Lewis Liski

[vimeo 49268342 w=800 h=450]

This the second short for Nuit Blanche Calgary. This video focuses more in depth on the work being produced for Nuit Blanche Calgary on September 15th. It features interviews from all of the artist's and collectives making work for the festival.

Photo's used in video by: Valentin Brovko and Monika Sobezak Music by: "beep Shot and edited by: Lewis Liski

Assaulted on Stephen Ave

Downtown AssaultI was downtown on 8th ave when the guy in the black jacket attacked the other guy just as he was entering TD square mall. Teeth were lost, stomachs kicked, eyes blackened. Soon after I took this and other photos I went with my Camera to the mall security nearby and gave them all the necessary evidence and my contact info.